Thursday, September 30, 2010

Cloudland Canyon

Yesterday I had the opportunity to hike in Cloudland Canyon in north Georgia. It was a gorgeous day, and my Aunt Gloria and I hiked for hours and only saw two people on the trail. One of the many benefits of retirement is having the chance to escape to the hills in the middle of the week when most people are at work or in school.

The leaves are just starting to change. In a couple of weeks, the canyon should be spectacular!

Here's my beautiful aunt who visited Cloudland Canyon for the first time yesterday and took an added unplanned trip to Chattanooga and a ride along the Tennessee River in north Alabama because of my faulty navigation skills. Mapquest and Tom/Tom weren't much help!

I have become very lazy about blogging now that I'm retired. Maybe I can stop playing golf long enough to post a photo every now and then, kind of like the photograph a day strategy. I suspect, however, that I'll probably forget and post a photo a week . . . or month . . . or year. So much for good intentions!


  1. So, do you think it rivals my Tallulah Gorge jaunt.

    My heart races seeing the photos.

    David would be making you do it at record pace.

    Post on.

    Word verfication: "bad stem" LOL
